€109.750 The share price increased by +0.78 %   26/09/2024 17:35

2024 SGM and archives

Shareholders’ General Meeting of 18 June 2020


2020 Combined Shareholders’ General Meeting
Movie of the year 2020
Review of 2020
2019 financial performance
2020 outlook, The Group’s strategy
Statutory Auditors
Floor open to shareholders
Resolutions submitted to the Shareholders’ General Meeting



Press release
Shareholders’ General Meeting of 18 June 2020 ( 280 Kb)

VINCI 2020 Shareholder's General Meeting ( 5.8 Mb)


- Minutes of the combined shareholders’ general meeting of 18 June 2020 (in french)

Results of the vote of resolutions

- results of the vote of resolutions sheet

Responses Board to written questions

- answers to written questions asked by shareholers,

Documentation shareholder meeting of 18 June 2020

- press release on VINCI - Shareholders’ General Meeting: update

- press release on VINCI’s Shareholders’ General Meeting to be held on 18 June 2020

- the disclosure of the number of shares forming the capital and of the total number of voting rights as of 8 May 2020,

- press release on Quaterly Information at 31st March 2020

- press release on Amendment to the 2019 Universal Registration Document

- press release on Impact of the Covid-19 epidemic

- the presentation of the resolutions, page 29 and following ones of the notice of meeting, and the text of resolution drafts presented to the general meeting by the board of directors, page 37 and following ones of the notice of meeting,

- the proxy/postal voting form,

- the parent company financial statements for the financial year 2019, page 349 and following ones of the annual report,

- the consolidated financial statements for the financial year 2019, page 272 and following ones of the annual report,

- the five-year financial summary, page 363 of the annual report,

- the report of the Board of Directors, page 118 and following ones of the annual report,

- the corporate governance report, page 122 and following ones of the annual report,

- the corporate governance report, page 136 and following ones of the annual report,

- the report of the statutory auditors on the consolidated financial statements, page 345 of the annual report,

- the report of the statutory auditors on the parent company financial statements, page 364 of the annual report,

- the appointments and positions held by the members of the board of directors and executive company officers, page 142 and following ones of the annual report,

- the curriculum vitae of Mr Benoit Bazin, p. 45 and following ones of the notice of meeting,

- the statutory auditors’ fees, page 342 of the annual report,

- the attestation by the statutory auditors on the information disclosed relating to the total amount of remuneration paid to the company’s most highly paid people,

- the statement by the statutory auditors on the overall amount of the payments made in application of sub-paragraphs 1 and 4 of article 238 bis of the French General Tax Code as well as a list of the registered shares under sponsorship and the registered shares under patronage,

- the picture of the authorizations granted by the shareholders meeting to the board of directors to increase the share capital, page 175 and 176 of the annual report,

- the special report of the statutory auditors on regulated agreements, page 367 of the annual report and page 46 of the notice of meeting,

- the statutory auditors’ special report on the capital reduction (11th resolution of the combined shareholders’ general meeting of 18 June 2020

- the statutory auditors’ report on the capital increases reserved for the employees of the company and of companies of the VINCI Group in the context of savings plans (12th resolution of the combined shareholders’ general meeting of 18 June 2020),

- the statutory auditors’ report on capital increases reserved for a category of beneficiaries in order to offer the employees of certain subsidiaries outside France benefits comparable with those offered to employees subscribing in the context of a savings plan (13th resolution of the combined shareholders’ general meeting of 18 June 2020),

- the report of the statutory auditors on the authorization to allot for no consideration existing performance shares to employees of the Company and of certain related companies or groups (14th resolution of the combined shareholders’ general meeting of 18 June 2020),

- the supplementary report to the Board of Directors meeting held on 14 June 2019, on the capital increase reserved for employees of VINCI and its French subsidiaries in connection with the Group savings plan in France and the corresponding statutory auditors’ supplementary report,

- the supplementary report to the Board of Directors meeting held on 18 October 2019, on the capital increase reserved for employees of VINCI and its French subsidiaries in connection with the Group savings plan in France and the corresponding statutory auditors’ supplementary report,

- the supplementary report on the decisions of the chairman and chief executive officer on 17 May 2019, acting by delegation of the Board of Directors dated 17 October 2018, relative to the capital increase reserved for employees of the VINCI foreign subsidiaries as part of the Group’s international savings plan and the corresponding statutory auditors’ supplementary report,

- the description of the 2020-2021 buyback program for treasury shares submitted by the board of directors for the approval of the combined general meeting of the shareholders on 18 June 2020.


Due to the Covid-19 epidemic and in accordance with the government’s measures to try to stop the virus spreading, we have decided to hold our Shareholders’ General Meeting without shareholders being physically present.

As public buildings are now closed, the meeting will take place at the company’s head office, at 1 cours Ferdinand de Lesseps, 92500 Rueil Malmaison, France.


- Communiqué de presse AMF relatif aux assemblées générales de sociétés cotées



- demande d'inscription de deux projets de resolution a l'ordre du jour de l'assemblee generale des actionnaires de VINCI SA du 12 mars 2020

- request for the inclusion of two resolutions on the agenda of the general meeting of VINCI SA of 9 April 2020

- lettre VINCI à TCI du 17 mars 2020

- translation of VINCI’s letter to TCI dated 17 march 2020


Documentation shareholder meeting of 9 april 2020

- notice of postponement of the combined ordinary and extraordinary shareholders’ general meeting initially scheduled for 9 april 2020

- notice of combined shareholders’ general meeting published at French bulletin of compulsory legal notices (BALO) the 23rd March 2020

- notice of combined shareholders’ general meeting published at French bulletin of compulsory legal notices (BALO) the 28th February 2020

- the disclosure of the number of shares forming the capital and of the total number of voting rights as of 28 February 2020,

- the presentation of the resolutions, page 29 and following ones of the notice of meeting, and the text of resolution drafts presented to the general meeting by the board of directors, page 37 and following ones of the notice of meeting,

- the proxy/postal voting form,

- the parent company financial statements for the financial year 2019, page 349 and following ones of the annual report,

- the consolidated financial statements for the financial year 2019, page 272 and following ones of the annual report,

- the five-year financial summary, page 363 of the annual report,

- the report of the Board of Directors, page 122 and following ones of the annual report,

- the corporate governance report, page 136 and following ones of the annual report,

- the report of the statutory auditors on the consolidated financial statements, page 345 of the annual report,

- the report of the statutory auditors on the parent company financial statements, page 364 of the annual report,

- the appointments and positions held by the members of the board of directors and executive company officers, page 142 and following ones of the annual report,

- the curriculum vitae of Mr Benoit Bazin, p. 45 and following ones of the notice of meeting,

- the statutory auditors’ fees, page 342 of the annual report,

- the attestation by the statutory auditors on the information disclosed relating to the total amount of remuneration paid to the company’s most highly paid people,

- the statement by the statutory auditors on the overall amount of the payments made in application of sub-paragraphs 1 and 4 of article 238 bis of the French General Tax Code as well as a list of the registered shares under sponsorship and the registered shares under patronage,

- the picture of the authorizations granted by the shareholders meeting to the board of directors to increase the share capital, page 175 and 176 of the annual report,

- the special report of the statutory auditors on regulated agreements, page 367 of the annual report and page 46 of the notice of meeting,

- the statutory auditors’ special report on the capital reduction (10th resolution of the combined shareholders’ general meeting of 9 April 2020),

- the statutory auditors’ report on the capital increases reserved for the employees of the company and of companies of the VINCI Group in the context of savings plans (11th resolution of the combined shareholders’ general meeting of 9 April 2020

- the statutory auditors’ report on capital increases reserved for a category of beneficiaries in order to offer the employees of certain subsidiaries outside France benefits comparable with those offered to employees subscribing in the context of a savings plan (12th resolution of the combined shareholders’ general meeting of 9 April 2020),

- the report of the statutory auditors on the authorization to allot for no consideration existing performance shares to employees of the Company and of certain related companies or groups (13th resolution of the combined shareholders’ general meeting of 9 April 2020),

- the supplementary report to the Board of Directors meeting held on 14 June 2019, on the capital increase reserved for employees of VINCI and its French subsidiaries in connection with the Group savings plan in France and the corresponding statutory auditors’ supplementary report,

- the supplementary report to the Board of Directors meeting held on 18 October 2019, on the capital increase reserved for employees of VINCI and its French subsidiaries in connection with the Group savings plan in France and the corresponding statutory auditors’ supplementary report, and the corresponding statutory auditors’ supplementary report,

- the supplementary report to the Board of Directors meeting held on 4 February 2020, on the capital increase reserved for employees of VINCI and its French subsidiaries in connection with the Group savings plan in France and the corresponding statutory auditors’ supplementary report,

- the supplementary report on the decisions of the chairman and chief executive officer on 17 May 2019, acting by delegation of the Board of Directors dated 17 October 2018, relative to the capital increase reserved for employees of the VINCI foreign subsidiaries as part of the Group’s international savings plan and the corresponding statutory auditors’ supplementary report,

- the description of the 2020-2021 buyback program for treasury shares submitted by the board of directors for the approval of the combined general meeting of the shareholders on 9 April 2020.

Last updated: 25/07/2024