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VINCI takes its executive management to the next level in response to new growth challenges and opportunities

21 June 2016 - 5:45 pm - Appointments

VINCI is continuing its growth, in particular outside Europe and in the concessions businesses. Against the backdrop of numerous challenges and opportunities – the energy transition, the digital revolution and the development of open innovation – the group is implementing a strategy centered on the quality of its products and services, the client service it provides and the career paths it offers the talent it seeks to recruit. This strategy entails stepping up operating synergies between VINCI businesses, further fostering cross-business interaction and encouraging horizontal collaboration within a highly decentralised, geographically expanding organisation.

In response to these challenges and opportunities, Xavier Huillard has decided to take VINCI’s executive management to the next level and will henceforth be assisted by three Executive Vice-Presidents: Pierre Coppey, Richard Francioli (Executive Vice-President, Contracting) and Christian Labeyrie (Executive Vice-President, Finance).

Pierre Coppey has been tasked with giving fresh impetus to cross-Group operations. He has notably been put in charge of forward-looking strategic discussion, environmental policy, operational synergies in France and abroad, the La Fabrique de la Cité think tank and the Fondation VINCI pour la Cité. He will also remain at the helm of VINCI Autoroutes and VINCI Stadium.

Given Pierre Coppey’s new duties and the stepped-up pace of concession development, VINCI Concessions has being assigned to Nicolas Notebaert, who is appointed Chief Executive Officer, with Xavier Huillard serving as Chairman. This new grouping brings together VINCI Airports, VINCI Highways (motorway concessions outside France) and VINCI Railways (railway concessions). Nicolas Notebaert becomes a member of VINCI’s Executive Committee.


Pierre Coppey

Executive Vice President
Born in 1963, Pierre Coppey, a graduate of the Institut d’Études Politiques de Strasbourg and of ENSPTT, France’s national school of posts and telecommunications, began his career in internal and corporate communications for La Poste. Having joined the VINCI Group in 1992, he held various positions before being named Director and then Deputy Chief Executive Officer with responsibility for communications, human resources and synergies. At the end of 2007, Pierre Coppey was appointed Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Cofiroute. In July 2009, he was named Chairman of VINCI Autoroutes, which groups together ASF, Cofiroute, Escota and Arcour. Between April 2014 and June 2016, Pierre Coppey served as Chief Operating Officer of VINCI and Chairman of VINCI Concessions. He is currently Executive Vice President of VINCI, Chairman of VINCI Autoroutes and Chairman of VINCI Stadium. Pierre Coppey has also been Chairman of the non-profit organisation Aurore since 2000.

Richard Francioli

Executive Vice President, Contracting
Richard Francioli, born in 1959, joined the VINCI Group in 1983. After starting his career on the Ain Shams hospital worksite in Cairo, he went on to occupy the position of Regional Director, North, then Director of Province for Sogea Construction, before becoming Chairman of VINCI Construction Filiales Internationales and Chairman of VINCI Construction in March 2006. He was appointed Executive Vice-President, Contracting in January 2010.

Christian Labeyrie

Executive Vice President, Finance
Born in 1956, Christian Labeyrie is a graduate of the HEC business school and holds accounting qualifications. He began his career in 1980 in the Paris branches department of the Crédit Lyonnais bank. From 1984 to 1990, he held various financial posts in the Schlumberger group (as project manager in the Audit Department, then division controller in the petroleum department) and then joined Rhône-Poulenc Santé as head of the treasury and financing department. He joined VINCI in 1990 as Director of Management Control for the holding company. In 1993, he was appointed Deputy Financial Director with responsibility for financial transactions and for the accounting and tax departments. Christian Labeyrie has served as Chief Financial Officer of VINCI since January 1999. He was appointed Executive Vice President of VINCI in 2006.

Nicolas Notebaert

Chief Executive Officer of VINCI Concessions
Born in 1970, Nicolas Notebaert is a graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique (X 89), the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (Ponts 94) and holder of an MBA. Consultant to the World Bank in 1994, he held various positions in the Ministry of Infrastructure between 1995 and 2002, in the DDE (Departmental Infrastructure Directorate - DDE) and on the staff of the Minister. He joined the VINCI Group in 2002 as head of the Operations Department at Cofiroute and moved to VINCI Concessions in 2004 as Director of Business Development, France. In February 2008, he was appointed Chairman of VINCI Airports and became a member of the Executive Committee of VINCI Concessions. In June 2016, he was appointed Chief Executive Officer of VINCI Concessions.


VINCI is a global player in concessions, energy and construction, employing 280,000 people in more than 120 countries. We design, finance, build and operate infrastructure and facilities that help improve daily life and mobility for all. Because we believe in all-round performance, we are committed to operating in an environmentally, socially responsible and ethical manner. And because our projects are in the public interest, we consider that reaching out to all our stakeholders and engaging in dialogue with them is essential in the conduct of our business activities. Based on that approach, VINCI’s ambition is to create long-term value for its customers, shareholders, employees, partners and society in general.