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“Tracking VINCI”: a novel, interactive and collaborative urban visit in Lyon

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© Getty Images

10 September 2015 - Events - France

5,000 passengers/day is the record number of passengers transported by Rhônexpress during the Festival of Lights
14 VINCI Group companies are qualified to work on historic monuments, including Comte, which is currently helping to restore Saint Jean Cathedral
12,000 VINCI employees work in the various local subsidiaries

A world player in construction and concessions, VINCI has used its expertise to enhance Lyon’s image by designing, financing, building and managing facilities and infrastructure that help improve daily life and mobility for all.

On 12 September, the “Tracking VINCI” visit offers shareholders an opportunity to explore Lyon in an interactive urban game. With commentary by an urban planner and group representatives, the visit will give participants special access to VINCI’s iconic projects in Lyon. A tablet computer will be made available to participants to enable them to test their knowledge of the projects they visit:
- Rhônexpress;
- Croix-Rousse Tunnel;
- Schuman Bridge;
- Saint Jean Cathedral;
- Confluences Museum.

The next visit will be held on 31 October in Bordeaux.

An interactive visit to Lyon: “Tracking VINCI”

Explore some of VINCI’s projects that have enhanced the image of Lyon.

Rhônexpress, built and operated by VINCI Concessions in a joint venture under a 30-year contract, began operating in August 2010. In 2013, it broke all its ridership records, transporting 1,170,000 passengers, a 13% increase since 2011, and even exceeding the 5,000 passengers/day mark during the Festival of Lights. The Rhônexpress offers fast comfortable service and interconnection with Lyon’s railway stations, airport and public transport systems. It is a key part of the Greater Lyon mobility ecosystem.

The Croix-Rousse Tunnel
The Croix-Rousse tunnel was comprehensively upgraded to bring it into compliance with the new underground infrastructure safety standards that were introduced following the tragic 1999 fire in the Mont Blanc tunnel. The upgrade is primarily focused on providing a user evacuation system, fireproofing structures and equipment with sufficient safety performance. The Greater Lyon urban community took the opportunity to refurbish the historic tunnel and use the new tube to promote alternative transport systems. The sustainable (bus, bicycle, pedestrian) transport tunnel was inaugurated on 6 December 2013. Particular attention was paid to lighting, the goal being to avoid the traditionally anxiety-inducing reputation of tunnels by setting up a one-of-a-kind system to project images on the tunnel ceiling. Local VINCI Construction, VINCI Energies and Eurovia entities worked on the project.

The Schuman Bridge
The Schuman Bridge project, carried out by VINCI Construction France for the Greater Lyon urban community, was inaugurated on 5 November 2014. The 180 metre long, 31 metre wide double bow-string bridge provides a new Saône crossing for pedestrians, cyclists and cars between Lyon’s 4th and 9th arrondissements. VINCI Energies (Citeos) worked on the bridge lighting.

Saint Jean Cathedral
Comte (VINCI Construction France) completed the restoration of the Cathedral facades in October 2011. Comte foreman Ahmed Benzizine has been involved in the restoration of the building for several years and served as a model for one of the gargoyles. He will present the restoration of the Cathedral interior, which got under way in the summer of 2012. The four-year project is divided into five phases (choir, transept, all seven bays, radiating chapels).

Confluences Museum
VINCI Construction France built the Confluences Museum, which was inaugurated in December 2014. Designed by Austrian architectural firm Coop Himmelb(l)au, it is heir to the Guimet natural history museum and houses more than two million objects that tell the story of the world and of human beings. The structure combines a glass crystal and a steel cloud. Work carried out by the Group included civil engineering, steel structure, envelope and development of the exterior surroundings.

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Starting in September 2015, VINCI will be introducing a series of interactive, collaborative games in several French cities. Participants will actively explore the Group’s activities and gain new insight into the city. The first event, organised by the Shareholders’ Club, will be held on 12 September in Lyon.

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Media contacts

Stéphanie Malek
Tel: +33 1 57 98 66 28