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Works under way at the Condorcet Campus, by Paris

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9 May 2018 - Projects update and handover - France

Being undertaken on behalf of Adim Paris Île-de-France by Bateg and Sicra Île-de-France (VINCI Construction France subsidiaries), the works launched on the campus involve the construction of buildings with a surface area of 64,600 sq. metres, including the headquarters of INED (the national institute for demographic studies), research and training spaces, a conference centre, a residence for invited researchers, a project incubator, a Crous restaurant, facilities catering for the needs of campus life and 451 student homes.

This project, for which the foundation stone was laid on 23 April, will improve local biodiversity and meets sustainable city standards. Measurements carried out using Biodi(V)strict® – developed by Urbalia within the framework of a partnership between VINCI Construction France and AgroParisTech – confirms this achievement.

Handover is scheduled for summer 2019.