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Working towards plastic-free infrastructure

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21 February 2020 - Sustainability - France

“Ideas versus Plastic” was the first challenge organised by VINCI Concessions, worldwide, as part of its Innovate programme, aimed at deploying a culture of innovation on the ground.

In total, employees in 15 countries where the pole operates came up with 250 imaginative ideas for lessening the production, use, sale and wastage of plastic in transport infrastructure and in offices.
The winning idea, submitted both by the teams at Nantes Airport and by an employee of the Kansai airports, was to install drinks fountains in retailers’ premises in order to eliminate the sale of plastic bottles.

The Kansai and Osaka international airports and Kobe Airport, meanwhile, have committed to a 25% reduction in single-use plastic and to re-using and recycling 60% of plastic packaging and containers by 2022 – well ahead of the government targets for plastic reduction, set for 2030.
These commitments are in line with VINCI Airports (VINCI Concessions) strategy, aimed at limiting the environmental impact of its airports.