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Widening the RN 57

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1 November 2016 - Projects update and handover - France

In the east of France, teams from Eurovia’s Bavilliers office (leader) and VINCI Construction Terrassement Centre Alsace Franche-Comté are working on a project for the Haute-Saône department (client and project manager) to provide 2x2 lanes on a 9 km section of the RN57 between Besançon and Vesoul.

The compressible nature of the terrain here requires the use of an original technique – the deployment of more than 10,000 cu. metres of tire chips as part of a lightweight backfill – in order to avoid any settlement problems. The firm tranche of this project, the widening of the first half of the section, will be completed in spring 2017 with the application of 40,000 t of mix. The conditional tranche, i.e. the rest of the section, is expected to be implemented in 2017/2018.