Widening the A8
16 March 2012 - New contracts - France
On 3 February 2012, Escota (VINCI Autoroutes) officially launched the project for the western entry into Nice (south of France), requiring an overall investment of over €50m. Taking 33 months to complete, the general works will involve widening a 1.3 km stretch of the A8 motorway, between the Var viaduct and the Nice – Saint-Augustin exit, from 2x2 to 2x3 lanes, in order to improve safety and the traffic flow on this section. Worth €30.2m, they will be supplied by a consortium comprising Campenon Bernard Sud-Est and GTM TP Côte d’Azur (both VINCI Construction France subsidiaries), as well as Eurovia Méditerranée and TP Spada (Eurovia subsidiaries).
Media contacts
Stéphanie Malek
Tel: +33 1 57 98 66 28