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Widening the A87

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30 November 2011 - New contracts - France

Following a call for tenders, ASF (VINCI Autoroutes) has awarded the works to widen a 6 km stretch of the section of the A87 located between the La Monnaie and Haute Perche interchanges, to 2x3 lanes, to the joint venture formed by Eurovia’s office in Angers, leader, and Eurovia Béton. The project also includes bringing the road up to current motorway standards, the installation of noise barriers, and the widening of engineering structures.
Worth €17.3m, it is due for completion in summer 2012.

Within the framework of this project, Eurovia’s Angers office, in a joint venture with Freyssinet, a subsidiary of Soletanche Freyssinet (VINCI Construction), will be rehabilitating the viaduct over the Loire (renewal of 13,000 sq. metres of pavement and the waterproofing, repairs to the concrete, etc.).
Contract value: €4.8m.