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Widening of the A50

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25 February 2013 - Projects update and handover - France

On 21 December 2012, after 23 months of works, Escota (VINCI Autoroutes) opened to traffic the Bandol-La Ciotat section of the A50 with 2x3 lanes, i.e. an additional lane in each direction over 21 km. The works, which began in January 2011, were carried out under traffic, apart from a few phases when particular tasks required the occasional night-time closure of interchanges. Nineteen waterway protection structures have been built and four drinking-water catchment areas protected from possible accidental spillages. And in the interests of acoustic protection, 3,500 m of noise barriers have been installed and 500 façades soundproofed. Overall, the works represented an investment of €90m. They were supplied by Eurovia Méditérranée, leader, and its Toulon and Marseilles offices, in a consortium with TP Spada (Eurovia), Sogea Côte d’Azur Var and Campenon Bernard TP Côte d’Azur (VINCI Construction France subsidiaries). Signature Méditerranée and Signature Grands Travaux (Eurovia) together supplied all the safety equipment works and the road signs.