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VINCI wins concession for western Strasbourg bypass motorway

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3 March 2016 - New contracts - France

By a decree dated 29 January 2016 and published on 31 January 2016, the French government awarded the VINCI joint venture the concession contract for the western Strasbourg bypass motorway (A355). The project involves the design, financing, construction and operation of a 24 km-long, 2x2-lane motorway aimed at attracting the through traffic that currently uses the A35 (due to subsequently be transformed into an urban boulevard) to get past Strasbourg.

The infrastructure will benefit from state-of-the-art facilities and smart services. Aiming to improve mobility and traffic flow around Strasbourg, the project represents an investment of some €500 million that will be entirely financed by VINCI, with no public subsidies. The design and construction works will be supplied by a joint venture formed by Dodin Campenon Bernard (leader), VINCI Construction Terrassement, VINCI Construction France, Eurovia and VINCI Energies. The 54-year contract provides for the works to be completed within a period of 56 months after its being signed, during which time an average of around 1,000 direct and indirect jobs a year will be generated. Once built, the infrastructure will be operated by VINCI Autoroutes. During the construction and then the operation phase, a major environmental programme will be implemented in collaboration with the environmental protection associations, in order to preserve biodiversity and, in particular, to protect the great hamster of Alsace.