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VINCI, partner to "Ma caméra chez les pros"

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22 June 2015 - Events - France

On 15 June 2015, the Alfred Sisley junior high school in Île-Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis), sponsored by VINCI, was awarded the Île-de-France Jury Prize in the "Ma caméra chez les pros" competition by Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, Minister of Education, Higher Education and Research. A closer look at this programme - which VINCI has been partnering since 2012 – whereby young people in the last year of junior high take their camcorder into the workplace to meet the professionals.

VINCI is partner to "Ma caméra chez les pros" in seven French educational districts (Nantes, Lille, Versailles-Paris-Créteil, Strasbourg, Dijon, Lyon, Toulouse). The initiative allows junior high students to discover what goes on behind the scenes in the major companies in their region while also gaining hands-on experience in jobs related to journalism.

The "Ma caméra chez les pros" programme was conceived and rolled out in 2010 by SFR, in partnership with the Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Research. Today, a total of nine major companies open their doors to the "budding journalists" in this competition aimed at forging closer links between schools and the business world.

Each junior high school chosen by their local education authority to participate in the programme puts together a production team (script-writer, videographer, editor, sound technician, actor, etc.), which produces a short documentary depicting its vision of the company, supplemented by two interviews with company professionals. It is a unique opportunity to discover the everyday life of VINCI's business activities and also learn about the reality of jobs in the audiovisual industry.

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7educational districts benefit from a partnership with VINCI for "Ma caméra chez les pros"

This is the 4th year in which VINCI has participated in the competition

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Copyright: Philippe Devernay / MENESR

Media contacts

Stéphanie Malek
Tel: +33 1 57 98 66 28