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VINCI Autoroutes Foundation publishes results of 5th European Responsible Driving Barometer survey

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28 June 2018 - Events - France

Conducted by Ipsos on a sample of 11,038 drivers in 11 European Union countries, this vast survey provides an overview of how Europeans behave at the wheel and helps better target road safety messages in each country.

The 2018 survey notably looks at how drivers assess their own driving, their use of connected devices, preventing driver drowsiness, and the role of their passenger(s). On this occasion, French magazine “Cerveau & Psycho” and its partner scientists provide insight into how the brain works when we are at the wheel and explain potentially dangerous behaviour.

Read the survey findings: http://fondation.vinci-autoroutes.com/fr/article/5e-barometre-europeen-de-la-conduite-responsable