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VINCI, a partner of the Week for the Quality of Working Life

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15 June 2015 - Events - France

From 15 to 19 June 2015, VINCI will be a partner of the 12th Week for the Quality of Working Life, organised by ANACT, the French national association for the improvement of working conditions.
This national event is aimed at all those with a stake in the world of business, the objective being to encourage efforts to improve working conditions. The 2015 event will focus in particular on the topic of spaces for discussion as levers for innovation in social dialogue and the quality of working life.
The Week will open with a national colloquium, “Let’s talk about work!”, with the participation, notably, of representatives from Eurovia. Numerous events will be staged throughout France: Open Days in companies, for example, temporary job swaps between employees, exhibitions and debates.

    Consult the programme of the 12th Week for the Quality of Working Life: http://www.qualitedevieautravail.org/