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Urban planning contract in Calama

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1 July 2017 - New contracts - Chile

Bitumix (Eurovia) has secured its biggest-ever urban planning contract, for the improvement of the interconnection of one of the major thoroughfares in Calama, a mining city in the Atacama Desert, in the north of the country.

There are a great many cars there and the streets are quite narrow. It was therefore essential to widen the major roads and improve the road junctions. The works involve the redevelopment of 100,000 sq. metres, notably including the installation of a central reservation, changing the traffic lights and the road surfacing, the creation of 2.9 km of cycle lanes, the introduction of green spaces, and the installation of public lighting, a drinking-water distribution network and a sewerage system. Extending over a period of two years, the project will be delivered in four stages, in order to inconvenience residents as little as possible.
Contract value: €11.2m.