€100.900 The share price increased by +2.56 %   01/07/2024 17:38

Upgrading the outer Paris-region ring road (Francilienne)

11 May 2010 - New contracts - France

On 22 March, the consortium comprising EJL IdF Grigny, Eurovia’s Massy office and STRF (all subsidiaries) was appointed to upgrade almost 2 km of the RN 104 between Corbeil-Essonnes, Étiolles, Saint-Germain-lès-Corbeil and Tigery (to the south of Paris). The project involves creating third lanes in the central reservation, the lateral widening and reinforcing of hard shoulders to create weave lanes, rehabilitation and reinforcement of the existing pavement, overhauling the road drainage system and modification of the entry slip roads. The works start in May, with completion scheduled for late 2011. Contract value: €10m.