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Two new contracts on Lee Tunnel project

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18 April 2013 - New contracts - United Kingdom

In London, the consortium composed of VINCI Construction Grands Projets, Bachy Soletanche Ltd (VINCI Construction) and Morgan Sindall has just been awarded two contracts by Thames Water, worth a total of €57m, within the framework of the Lee Tunnel project. The first concerns the creation of a fifth shaft (Shaft G) at the Abbey Mills site, at one end of the tunnel. Some 70 m in depth and with an inside diameter of 25 m, this new shaft will be connected to the main tunnel. The consortium has also been awarded the construction of a Flow Transfer System between the Pumping Shaft and the future wastewater treatment plant at the Beckton site. The Lee Tunnel, for which all the works are due to be completed by late 2015, will enable the volume of untreated sewage and rainwater discharged each year into the Thames to be reduced by half.