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Two contracts for the Lyons tramway

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16 February 2012 - New contracts - France

A consortium notably comprising EJL Sud-Est, Eurovia Lyon and Entreprise de Filippis, all Eurovia subsidiaries, as well as EBM (VINCI Construction France) has been appointed by Sytral to extend line T2 of the Lyons tramway from the Bel Air stop, in Saint-Priest, to the exhibition centre, Eurexpo. Teams have been working on the platform and associated development works on the 1.6 km-long stretch since July 2011. Contract value: 7.7 million euros. Meanwhile, the same consortium (without EBM, but joined by ETF-Eurovia Travaux Ferroviaires) is building 2.5 km of new track for the extension of line T4 to Part-Dieu. Contract value: 11.7 million euros.