€100.900 The share price increased by +2.56 %   01/07/2024 17:38

Transformation process for the hospital in Argenteuil

15 April 2010 - Projects update and handover - France

The hospital complex in Argenteuil (Paris region) has awarded the design-build contract for the new Victor Dupouy Hospital to a consortium composed of GTM Bâtiment (leader) and Campenon Bernard Construction (both VINCI Construction France subsidiaries), Cadolto, Brunet Saunier Architecture and Iosis. The project calls for the modular construction (using macro-elements prefabricated and equipped off-site) of an MSO (Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics) hospital building with a surface area of some 62,000 sq. metres. The new facilities, their construction causing no reduction in the number of beds available, will gradually replace the existing buildings, which will be demolished. Worth a total of €155m, the works will be completed within 44 months.