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The world is changing – how about you?

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16 February 2015 - Events

Demographic ageing, urbanisation, digital technologies, management of resources, new economic giants….the world is changing. These are all challenges that VINCI must meet! We are constantly engaged in reflection around every one of these issues to serve our goal of global performance.

Ten years ago, on 16 February 2005, the Kyoto Protocol came into force. The climate conference (COP 21) chaired by France will take place in Paris in December 2015 – it must result in greater efforts to bring a new agreement into force in 2020. In this changing world, more than 190 States will have to make decisions to keep global warming below 2°C looking to 2100.

These challenges are central to our activity as urban and regional developer

Climate disruption, the growing scarcity of natural resources and shrinking biodiversity, higher energy costs: how can we respond to exponential demand for energy from the emerging countries and make energy transition a reality in the developed countries? Growing urbanisation, demographic explosion: how can we imagine the city of tomorrow? How can we adapt buildings, neighbourhoods, cities and mobility infrastructure? Economic crisis, limited financial resources: how can we devise balanced partnerships between public and private players? How can we implement green growth solutions at a cost acceptable to all stakeholders? How can we foster solidarity between VINCI employees and companies and the community in the cities and regions where they work? How can we combat discrimination and ensure equal opportunity? How can we best share the fruits of growth between employees? How can we guarantee the safety of all – employees, temporary workers, subcontractors and the users of our infrastructure?

As urban and regional developer, we must constantly bear in mind the end-purpose and social utility of the structures and infrastructure we build by providing the best possible response to the present and future needs of users and communities. Because they serve the public interest and because they often bring about radical changes in cities and regions, we pursue a policy of sustainable development that is both exacting and pragmatic.( Watch this video to discover the key figures and challenges of a changing world.

Key figures

It took 7 million years to populate the planet...with almost 7 billion human beings, but within 35 years, the population will increase by 2 billion! There will be 9 billion of us by 2050.
By 2050, the number of people over 60 will have trebled, the number of people over 80 will have increased fourfold.

The world is changing.
In 1900, 5% of the population lived in cities. In 2011, more than 50% of the population lives in cities.
By 2030, 60% of the population will live in cities. Today slums account for 40% of the urban sprawl.
By 2030, we will need to invest 3.5% of global GDP in infrastructures necessary to cities.
Today, 14 cities have over 20 million inhabitants.
Tokyo, Karachi, Manila, Shanghai, New York, Lagos, Séoul, Mumbai, Delhi, Beijing, Mexico City, Sao Paulo, Djakarta, Cairo.
By 2030, 3 cities in Asia will have over 30 million inhabitants: Tokyo, Delhi, Shanghai.

The world is changing.
By 2040, global energy consumption will have increased by 37%.
Between now and 2050 global consumption of renewable energy will grow faster than that of primary energy:
Increase in global Consumption of energy between now & 2050:
- oil: + 44%;
- biomass: + 54%
- natural gas: + 59%
- nuclear: + 62%
- coal: + 66%
- hydraulic: + 94%
- geothermal: + 146%
- wind: + 1,352%
- solar: + 1,473%

proven coal reserves represent 112 years of consumption proven natural gas reserves represent 54 years of consumption
proven oil reserves represent 52 years of consumption
Depletion of minerals: Chrome, 2024; tin, 2026; zinc, 2025; lead, 2029; iron, 2042; copper, 2039; nickel, 2048

The world is changing.
Since 1880, temperature has increased by 0,85°C.
By 2100, the increase in temperature could reach 4,8°C without cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 70%. Energy efficiency can cut in half greenhouse gas emissions.
2/3 of global investments in energy efficiency cover transport & buildings

The world is changing.
China and India represent 1/3 of mankind.
China will dedicate 16% of its GDP - $1,087 billion – to the financing of 300 infrastructure projects
By 2017, India will dedicate more than $1,000 billion to its infrastructure spendings
India will be building 25 km of motorway / day
Brasil is going to build 800 airports = 1 airport less than 60 km away from all cities with more than 100, 000 inhabitants.
Within 5 years, Russia will invest $1,000 billion to update its infrastructure and industry:
- by 2020, $30 billion in its airports;
- by 2030, about $400 billion in its rail network.
In 5 years time, the contribution of the BRICS to global growth will X2 as big as that of the G3
By 2050, Brazil will multiply its GDP by 4; China by 5; India by 17.

The world is changing.
Today, almost 1 persons in 2 have access to Internet.
Today, every second 4, 629 pictures are sent via Snapchat.
Today Every Second 5, 787 Tweets are published on Twitter worldwide.
Today, every second 578, 700 WhatsApp messages are sent via Snapchat.
Facebook has more than 1,28 billion active members, who have 200 friends on average. If Facebook was a country its population would be the 2nd largest in the world, after China and ahead of India
This year, the global digital data = 4.4 trillion gigabytes
By 2020, the global digital data = 44 trillion gigabytes
By 2020
250 million connected cars will be running on roads
25 billion objects will be connected

The world is changing.
How about you?

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