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The VINCI Research Day meeting focused on the challenge of data

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19 December 2014 - Events - France

VINCI held its third Research Day at the SenseCube Incubator on 18 December. The daylong meeting, organised by the VINCI Academy, was designed to spotlight the R&D initiatives taken by Group companies in the field of data collection and utilisation.

The VINCI Academy has organised Research Day since 2011. It brings Group employees in France together to discuss Group-wide, strategic and innovative issues that will be a focus of attention going forward. In 2013, the theme was "guaranteed performance"; this year's Third Research Day was devoted to data.

Introduced by VINCI Sustainable Development Manager Christian Caye and VINCI Environment & Science Manager Maxime Trocmé, the meeting gave Group employees an opportunity to discuss the collection and utilisation of digital data in VINCI's business activities. The Chair in Eco-design, the VINCI – ParisTech science sponsorship programme, took the opportunity to announce a call for expression of interest in big data in 2015, in connection with its three main areas of interest (energy performance, sustainable mobility and biodiversity).

Watch the interactive video of the day

A cross-Group discussion about the challenges of the future

The Fabrique de la Cité (City Factory), the think tank set up at VINCI's initiative in 2010, provided input for the discussion on urban innovation. Guillaume Malochet, Studies Manager at the Fabrique de la Cité, sketched the backdrop by presenting the major revolutions currently taking place: Big Data, the Cloud and the Internet of Things.
Looking at the issues from a broad viewpoint, he also addressed the data challenges applied to tomorrow's city. Recalling that the value of data lies in cross-referencing, he presented a number of applications that can be used, for example, to provide new services to support mobility, boost energy efficiency at airports and manage infrastructure in real time. All the think tank studies relating to urban data are available on the Fabrique de la Cité website.

Patrick Schalbart, Research Engineer at MINES ParisTech, then showed how data relating to the behaviour of occupants can be used to improve a building's energy performance. This work is being carried out as part of the Chair in Eco-design.

Data utilisation in VINCI projects

During the morning session, VINCI business lines presented several emblematic VINCI projects to illustrate the Group's ability to collect and utilise data to improve services and infrastructure.

Smartvia: the connected road (Eurovia)

Smartvia, presented by Ivan Drouadaine, is the 5th generation smart road developed by Eurovia. Smartvia is equipped with sensors to provide information on its condition in real time and over time. It is a valuable tool for checking assumptions in real time and selecting innovative materials.

The collaborative platform used in the construction of the Louis Vuitton Foundation building

Eric Taillardat explained how this tool made it possible to aggregate disparate structural data to enable engineers from the various entities to work together on the extremely complex project. The Structural Design and Engineering department (DCES) at VINCI Construction Grands Projets developed the platform, which won a Management prize in the VINCI 2013 Innovation Awards Competition. All structural data for the Foundation were aggregated in a language independent of any engineering and design software tool, in a process developed by the DCES to ensure that engineers unfamiliar with the project can use the engineering software tools available in future to easily and rapidly look at all or part of the global model. The aggregation process created no fewer than 76,000 files and 200 GB of data to describe all project structures, loads and results. A patent was filed for it with INPI in September 2014.

Imtech ICT (VINCI Energies) solutions

VINCI acquired the information and communication technologies division of Dutch group Imtech in 2014. Managing Director Mike Bauwens presented Big Data challenges and goals based on the "5 Vs":
- "Volume" (defining the scale of data);
- "Velocity" (analysing data flow);
- "Variety" (describing and expanding the types of data);
- "Veracity" (checking data authenticity);
- and "Value" (assessing the value of data utilisation based on concrete case studies).

The VINCI Autoroutes Hackathon

Simon Coutel, Innovation & Digital Services Manager at VINCI Autoroutes, presented the purpose of the VINCI Autoroutes Lab: to design and test new transport and mobility services. He presented a variety of initiatives implemented in 2014, including the Citégreen programme to encourage staggered travel times, and a 360-degree panorama of motorway rest and service areas. The VINCI Autoroute 2014 hackathon was also a focus of the discussions. Held in May 2014, the hackathon involved 50 participants, who innovated for 48 hours by thinking up new mobility services based on data from VINCI Autoroutes, the Bordeaux Urban Community and BlablaCar. At the conclusion of the hackathon, a sustainable mobility coach was made available to the inhabitants of Bordeaux. You can access "Hello ma ville" via your smartphone.

The afternoon discussion focused on collective intelligence.
Five start-ups working on issues relating to data and to VINCI's business activities presented their work. Workshops were organised to enable Group employees to work with SenseCube Incubator teams to solve the challenges of the future in such areas as mobility, worksite 2.0 and environmental performance.
The start-ups were:
- CitéGreen: the "first eco-rewards programme"
- Koolicar: car rental among individuals without exchanging keys
- Syrthea: external insulation solution for clean worksites
- Trinov: innovative software and services that optimise and track spending and revenue relating to waste
- Albedo (Coturnix): solution for managing building energy efficiency in real time.