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The SEA HSL – an example of VINCI’s integrated construction/concession holder model

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3 July 2017 - Projects update and handover - France

Designed, financed, built and operated by VINCI under a concession agreement that runs until 2061, the South Europe Atlantic high-speed line has enabled people to travel from Paris to Bordeaux in just two hours since it was commissioned in July 2017. It is the largest project the Group has ever worked on.

The largest rail project in Europe

Under the programme management of LISEA, the company that holds the concession and operates the line, the construction consortium COSEA, which is made up of VINCI Construction, Eurovia, VINCI Energies and their partners, has successfully completed all the design, consultation and construction phases. All in all, 302 km of high-speed track, 38 km of connecting track, 24 viaducts and 500 engineering structures were built. The project required the input of 8,500 people at its peak, 2,000 of whom were recruited and trained locally.

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Special focus on the environment

The project was conducted to the highest environmental standards to preserve in particular the 223 protected species catalogued living along the line and implement the necessary offsetting measures across an area of over 3,500 hectares. These measures are conducted in partnership with the State, non-profit organisations, scientific experts and the farming industry in the six departments located along the route of the line. The effectiveness of these measures will be monitored throughout the duration of the concession by LISEA’s environmental observatory.

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Performance guaranteed by operation and maintenance

MESEA, 70% of which is held by VINCI Concessions and 30% by the rail engineering specialist Systra, is responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the infrastructure. Its work must meet especially rigorous standards in terms of safety and reliability. To achieve such performance, 180 employees were recruited and underwent intense training in the specific professions. In order to maximise efficiency and reach the expected level of performance, MESEA uses equipment and machines that were specially designed for the line.
The quality of operations has been instrumental in ensuring the commercial success of the new line. In 2018, regularity over the year rose to 94% and since the high-speed line was commissioned in September 2017, traffic along the Paris-Bordeaux route has increased 75%.

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© Thierry Marzloff