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The Grand Paris programme focuses on culture and the arts

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27 July 2017 - Events - France

VINCI Construction joins the group of Grand Paris Express endowment fund sponsors and undertakes to support the fund’s arts and cultural activities along the entire 200-km length of the new metro lines that will connect the region’s municipalities.

The Société du Grand Paris has decided to give the Grand Paris Express, the future transport system in the Greater Paris area, a cultural dimension of unprecedented geographical reach and duration. The programme will run from the start of works to the comprehensive opening of the network, scheduled in 2030.

Hands-on support for arts projects, starting in 2017

The Grand Paris Express endowment fund, set up to enable private-sector participants to help carry out an ambitious cultural project at the heart of the construction programme that will ultimately transform the Greater Paris area, will begin in 2017 to support projects that bring the arts to the public at large, disseminate culture and mobilise young people in the region.

Alongside the founding companies (BETC and La Française) and first sponsors, VINCI Construction undertakes to help implement an ambitious, innovative, grass roots, community-based cultural programme headed by Artistic Director José-Manuel Gonçalves (Director of the Cent Quatre cultural centre in Paris).

Building an unparalleled vibrant, urban, grass roots, community-based heritage

Nearly 70 monumental works will be included in the stations
An original work of art in every station: the largest public art collection

2 to 3 calls for project every year
Regional talent working in such fields as design, fashion, dance and digital arts are encouraged to join the artistic momentum of the Grand Paris programme.

Over 100 artists joining the programme since its inception

4 to 5 festive events scheduled in the heart of the worksites every year
Community-focused events such as performances, urban strolls, worksite picnics and an innovation market will bring together local residents and workers.

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On 1 October 2016, during the 15th Nuit Blanche all-night arts event, artist Tobias Rehberger and musician Thylacine presented a monumental, immersive, poetic installation on the Île Saint-Germain.

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On 4 June 2016, to mark the official start of work on the Grand Paris programme, the “KM1” (kilometre 1) event held adjacent to the Clamart station drew several thousand spectators and about 50 artists for parades, dance performances, concerts and an open-air dance.

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The collection of mobile works includes Gyrotope by Pablo Valbuena, a sound and light circle suggesting the loop formed by Line 15 of the Grand Paris Express.