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The Cité des Loisirs

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1 July 2014 - Events - France

The Cité des Loisirs, the new festive venue in Courbevoie, by Paris, created by GTM Bâtiment (leader) and CBC, subsidiaries of VINCI Construction France, was inaugurated on Thursday 22 May 2014. This building houses a 1,000-seat multi-purpose room, a 300-seat theatre space, a reception area able to accommodate 150 people, a café, an information office for young people, a media space, two recording studios and a 300-space car park; it is equipped with 585 sq. metres of photovoltaic panels. It supplements the sports centre, handed over in March, which provides a gymnasium, a central kitchen and offices for associations.
Together, the two complexes have cost €55m; the works have taken 26 months.