€101.450 The share price increased by +3.12 %   01/07/2024 17:13

The biggest photovoltaic roof in Alpes-Maritimes

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16 May 2011 - New contracts - France

Park Azur, a subsidiary of VINCI Concessions and holder of the contract covering the financing, construction and operation of the future business centre for car rental operators at Nice Côte d’Azur Airport (south of France), is to install 10,277 sq. metres of photovoltaic canopies (6,121 modules) on the build­ing’s roof: the electricity pro­duced will be re-injected into the network. Representing an investment of €5m, financed by VINCI Concessions and Dexia Crédit Local, this equipment will be deployed by VINCI Construction France and Jean Graniou SIT (VINCI Energies France Division, Energy business line). It will be one of the biggest photovoltaic projects ever undertaken on an airport site. Reminder: construction of the future business centre (surface area: 60,000 sq. metres; capacity: almost 25,000 park­ing spaces) was entrusted to a consortium comprising Dumez Côte d’Azur, Campenon Bernard Côte d’Azur and GTM TP Côte d’Azur, regional subsidiaries of VINCI Construction France.
The building will be inaugurat­ed on 23 June, and operated by VINCI Airports (VINCI Concessions).