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The A89 is for them!

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21 January 2013 - Events - France

Prior to the opening of the final section of the A89, between Balbigny and La Tour-de-Salvagny, in central France, ASF (VINCI Autoroutes)staged two Open Doors days. On 15 December 2012, almost 3,000 people were able to inspect the Loire end of the section, on foot, by bike, by bus or on scooters, between the Pont Marteau viaduct and the Violay tunnel. On 22 December, it was the turn of the Rhône end, with an organised visit between the Saint-Romain de Popey toll plaza and the Chalosset tunnel. Entry into service of this 50 km stretch of the A89 is scheduled for January 2013, after four years of works involving the participation of VINCI Construction, Eurovia and VINCI Energies companies.