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Team effort for the D2 tower

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31 July 2011 - New contracts - France

In the La Défense neighbourhood (by Paris), the joint venture composed of GTM Bâtiment (leader), Dumez Île-de-France and Bateg (all VINCI Construction France subsidiaries) launched the D2 project on 1st June. It concerns a 54,000 sq. metre office tower block (height: 150 m; 37 storeys), designed to achieve HEQ certification by architects Anthony Béchu and Tom Sheehan. This tower will be built on the site of the existing Veritas building, where demolition work has just started.

The preparatory works and the foundations have been entrusted to the Paris-Centre-Est office of Soletanche Bachy, a subsidiary of Soletanche Freyssinet (VINCI Construction). In particular, they will involve installing 54 tie rods on the wall of the circular road, in order to allow the demolition of an access ramp and the clearing of the site, as well as drilling 5,700 cu. metres of bars using a Hydrofraise. Worth €172m, the project is being undertaken on a general contracting basis on behalf of the Tour D2 SAS (simplified joint stock corporation).
It is due for handover in the second quarter of 2014.