€98.380 The share price fell by -0.53 %   28/06/2024 17:35

Sustainable biofuels at Clermont-Ferrand Auvergne Airport

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22 April 2021 - Sustainability - France

As of 19 April, VINCI Airports (VINCI Concessions) is supplying sustainable biofuels to users of the Clermont-Ferrand Auvergne Airport, its first customer being Michelin Air Services.

This new step, a first for a French airport, highlights the desire of VINCI Airports, SMACFA (Syndicat Mixte de l’Aéroport Clermont-Ferrand Auvergne) and the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region to promote low-carbon air mobility, with biofuels representing an effective short-term response to the challenges of the ecological transition in aviation. Produced from used food oils, they will be delivered by Air bp under a supply contract with VINCI Airports.