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Successful first drive for Valentin’s microtunneler

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1 August 2017 - Projects update and handover - France

Rachel, the microtunneling machine operated by Valentin (Eurovia), has carried out its first drive (632 lm) on the storm water segregation project at Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle Airport.

Valentin has been working since July 2016 (continuing through till December 2017), on behalf of ADP’s engineering and development division, on the creation of this segregation structure destined to collect storm water from the airport platform, to separate out the water containing glycol – a chemical substance present in the de-icing products used for runways and planes – and to discharge the cleaned water.

This successfully completed first drive, arriving with great precision exactly in the target area, will be followed by a second, currently being prepared, covering the remaining 600 lm. Reminder: Valentin acquired Rachel, a microtunneler with an external diameter of 3 m, in June 2016, making it the second company in France to possess such equipment and a key player in this particular field.