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Storm basin to protect the Cher

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15 May 2012 - Events - France

On 5 April 2012, the urban community of Montluçon (central France) inaugurated the storm basin created by a consortium comprising Dumez Lagorsse, leader, Snec, Campenon Bernard Régions (all VINCI Construction France subsidiaries), CSM Bessac, a subsidiary of Soletanche Freyssinet (VINCI Construction), Cegelec Montluçon (VINCI Energies France) and Sefi-Intrafor. With a capacity of 12,000 cu. metres, this basin will reduce by 40% the amount of polluted water pouring into the Cher. CSM Bessac used a TBM to bore the transfer tunnel (length: 365 m; diameter: 2.20 m) feeding the basin. The VINCI Construction France companies were charged with the civil engineering of the basin and the creation of two 15 m-deep shafts. Cegelec Montluçon installed the mechanical and electromechanical equipment.