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Standard-compliant tunnels on the Nice bypass

11 December 2010 - Events - France

Mid-November saw teams from Eurovia complete the resurfacing works in eight tunnels (15 tubes) on the Nice bypass (south of France). The application, at night, of more than 5,100 t of light-coloured mix (to provide better visibility, and enhance safety and the effectiveness of the lighting) is one part of a wide-ranging programme, involving several Group companies, to bring the 20 tunnels on the Escota network (VINCI Autoroutes) up to current safety standards. Renovation of the infrastructure management systems and high voltage sub-stations has largely been entrusted to the Energy business line (GTIE Transport, Citéos Nice, SDEL Câbles et Autoroutes, Actemium Cannes).

Cegelec (also of the Energy business line) is involved in renovating the safety equipment in several of these tunnels, between Nice and the Italian border. The civil engineering works have been supplied by VINCI Construction France companies (Campenon Bernard Méditerranée, Campenon Bernard Sud-Est and GTM Azur), among others.
Launched in 2002, the project represents an investment of €400m. It is due to be completed in 2012.