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Special foundations for Brisbane Airport

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16 January 2015 - Projects update and handover - Australia

As part of the construction of a new runway at Brisbane Airport (Australia), Menard Bachy (Soletanche Freyssinet/VINCI Construction), in a joint venture with Soil Wicks Australia, has just finished installing over 8.2 million linear metres of prefabricated vertical drains, intended to accelerate the settling of the platform of dredged sand prior to construction of the runway. In total, some 330,000 individual prefabricated drains, between 16 and 40 m in length – the biggest project of this kind ever implemented in Australia – have been supplied and installed in 17 different zones across a surface area of 65 hectares. Also noteworthy: in 6 months of works and over 40,000 hours worked, there wasn’t a single lost-time accident.