€98.380 The share price fell by -0.53 %   28/06/2024 17:35

Sliding operations at the railway viaduct in Marly-le-Roi (Paris region)

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24 September 2018 - Projects update and handover - France

In early July, the joint venture composed of Chantiers Modernes Construction (VINCI Construction France), ETF (Eurovia), Freyssinet, Soletanche Bachy Pieux and Soletanche Bachy France (VINCI Construction subsidiaries) and Baudin Chateauneuf removed the old tracks and the deck in puddled iron, weighing approximately 1,500 t, uncovering the bridge piers.

The supports of the new structure were then rebuilt. In the night of 30/31 July, the new deck (3,270 t) was slid sideways over a distance of 11.3 m and positioned above the new supports prior to the laying of the new tracks.

These works required a 7-week-long stoppage of traffic on Line L of the Transilien between Garches – Marne-la-Coquette and Saint-Nom-la-Bretèche.