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Rennes: Jacobin convent being transformed into a congress centre

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1 March 2014 - New contracts - France

The consortium composed of Sogea Bretagne, leader, CMA Entreprises, Degaine, Botte Fondations (all VINCI Construction France subsidiaries), Soletanche Bachy (VINCI Construction), Cegelec Clim Ouest (VINCI Energies France) and Ineo Atlantique has begun work in Rennes (Brittany) on the congress centre being created on the site of the Jacobin convent, built in the 16th-century and now a classified historic building. Designed by the architect Jean Guervilly, this congress centre (surface area: some 25,000 sq. metres) will boast two auditoriums (1,000 and 300 seats), a room seating 500 people, some twenty meeting rooms, and exhibition spaces. The underground conference rooms will be built beneath the existing foundations, while the existing convent buildings will be rehabilitated.
Worth €75m, the works will take 35 months.