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Rejuvenating the Jean Pommier baths

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16 May 2011 - New contracts - France

A consortium composed of Enbatra, leader, and Chabanel (both VINCI Construction France subsidiaries), in association with architect Jean-Louis Berthomieu and the Ethis and Taravella consultancies, has won the design-build con-tract for the rehabilitation and extension of the Jean Pommier swimming baths in Valence (southern France). The project will involve refur­bishing the two existing pools as well as creating an 8-lane lap pool and new changing rooms, i.e. a total surface area of some 3,200 sq. metres. During the works, due to start in December 2011 and with handover scheduled for June 2013, the baths will remain open to the public.
Contract value: €9.9m.