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Reinforcing the seismic resistance of the Chancy-Pougny dam

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1 October 2014 - New contracts - France

On the Franco-Swiss border, in the Ain department, the consortium composed of Freyssinet, leader, Soletanche Bachy, SIF Groutbor (Soletanche Freyssinet/VINCI Construction subsidiaries), CBR TP, GTM Bâtiment et Génie Civil Lyon (VINCI Construction France subsidiaries) and Rampini has been awarded a project to reinforce the seismic resistance of the Chancy-Pougny dam, the first hydroelectric plant on the Rhône. The works essentially involve reinforcing the pillars of the dam, strengthening the reinforced concrete, the treatment and repair of the facings, and the hydro-demolition and extension of a twin-girder-type structure. They will be carried out subject to constraints associated with the operation of the dam and its hydroelectric power plant.
Estimated duration of the works: 41 months. Contract value: 12 million Swiss Francs (about €10m).