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Rehabilitating a quay

12 February 2010 - New contracts - France

The Grand Port Maritime de Rouen (Normandy) has appointed the consortium including Soletanche Bachy, a subsidiary of Soletanche Freyssinet (VINCI Construction), to refurbish Seine quay No. 1 in Honfleur, which has not been used since 2007. The company will carry out soil improvement works on the rear part of the structure and provide the quay with a 120 m long anchorage wall, using the Géomix® process (making use of the on-site soil as a construction material), a winner in the VINCI 2009 Innovation Awards Competition. In addition, 120 micro-piles will be installed to consolidate the existing quay. Work began on the project in late January and will take three months to complete; the quay is due to be brought into service in October 2010.