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Refurbishment of an alpine motorway

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1 December 2016 - Projects update and handover - France

A joint venture formed by Eurovia’s Grenoble (leader) and Chambéry offices has renewed the surface of the A41S – known as “l’Alpine” – between Crolles and Le Touvet (south-east France), on behalf of AREA (the local highways operating company).

A total of 100 people worked in two shifts on the 9.6 km-long section (fast and slow lanes). Following planning of the surface, Emulvia® Clean and lime milk were used to ensure adhesion between the base and the layers of mix, and prevent any risk of pull-out. The planings were recycled and used, untreated, to constitute 30% of the high modulus asphalt concrete.
Value of the works: €2.1m.