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Reconstruction of a motorway service area

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1 October 2016 - Projects update and handover - France

After creating the two Montélimar (southern France) motorway service areas for concessionaire Shell, Eurovia’s Drôme Ardeche office has been awarded the reconstruction of the northern Les Bréguieres service area, on the A8 motorway near Mougins (south of France), which it will undertake in association with Eurovia’s Nice office.

The works, currently under way, should be completed in November 2016. To avoid disrupting business activities at the site, these Eurovia offices have developed a complex phasing for the works, and introduced some innovative measures: a rainwater retention basin (set in concrete; capacity: 135 cu. metres) has, for example, been buried beneath the existing parking area for heavy goods vehicles, subsequently to be restored.