€100.900 The share price increased by +2.56 %   01/07/2024 17:38

Rebuilding the Grau-du-Roi health centre

15 April 2010 - New contracts - France

On 24 February, Dumez Sud (VINCI Construction France), as leader of a consortium, was awarded the contract to rebuild, on a general contracting basis, the Grau-du-Roi Hospital (south of France), which provides follow-up care and rehabilitation (physiotherapy). The new, 14,000 sq. metre, HEQ (high environmental quality) facility will be built on the site of the existing health centre. Providing 200 beds, it will notably focus on nutritional medicine and diabetology, addictology and locomotive and neurological physiotherapy and rehabilitation. Worth €26.6m, the project is being undertaken on behalf of the Nîmes CHU (teaching hospital) as part of the Hospital 2012 programme.