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Radio VINCI Autoroutes: Increased audience

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15 December 2015 - Events - France

A Médiamétrie survey of drivers on the A7 and A10 motorways carried out between 21 and 23 August 2015 shows that the audience share of 107.7 FM on the VINCI Autoroutes network is on the rise: up from 42.1% to 60.3% in two years, and 9 out of 10 people questioned feel that radio cannot be replaced by a GPS or a navigation system. Awareness of the VINCI Autoroutes brand is also much improved: 95.5% of those questioned recognise it, compared with just half in 2013. And, finally, for 98.8% of listeners, 107.7 FM is an essential companion on the motorway: 87.8% said they felt safer when listening to it.