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R7 project in Villejuif

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14 September 2012 - New contracts - France

In July 2012, the Paris region’s water authority (SEDIF) awarded the contract for the creation of a new drinking-water reservoir, known as R7, in Villejuif (by Paris) to the consortium formed by Sobea Environnement (VINCI Construction France), Sole- tanche Bachy Pieux, Soletanche Bachy France and CSM Bessac (three subsidiaries of Soletanche Freyssinet, VINCI Construction), and Bouygues TP. Soletanche Bachy Pieux will supply more than 4,000 sq. metres of Parisian walls as well as the 700 Starsol piles of the structure’s founda- tions. CSM Bessac will use a TBM to drive an underground tunnel (length: 80 m; diam- eter: 2.90 m). And Soldata, a Soletanche Freyssinet subsid- iary, will also play a part in the project, installing its Cyclops monitoring beacons (automated topography).
The works start in October 2012. Contract value: €30.5m.