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Quay extension in Cherbourg

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25 February 2013 - New contracts - France

In the port of Cherbourg (Normandy), which is managed by Ports Normands Associés (PNA), Soletanche Bachy, a Soletanche Freyssinet subsidiary (VINCI Construction), in a joint venture with Atlantique Dragage, has been awarded the contract to extend the Quai des Flamands. The project involves building a quay composed of two parallel diaphragm walls and the preliminary dredging and rock removal operations. In total, Soletanche Bachy will supply 14,000 sq. metres of diaphragm walls, using a Hydrofraise rig, 100,000 cu. metres of earthworks, and 350 m of crown beam. The quay and adjacent landside area are scheduled to come into service in early 2015.
Contract value: €25m.