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Prado Sud Tunnel: 7 months ahead of schedule!

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23 December 2013 - Projects update and handover - France

On Saturday 16 November 2013, after five years of works, the Société Prado Sud, headed by VINCI Concessions in a consortium with Eiffage, brought into service the eponymous tunnel in Marseilles (south of France). Initiated by the Marseilles-Provence Metropolitan Area authority, the project involved, under a Public Service Delegation contract, the financing, design, construction and, now, the operation of the Prado Sud Tunnel. The concession contract came into force in 2008, for a period of 47 years including the time required to design and build the new infrastructure.

With a total length of 1,500 m, it connects with the Prado-Carénage Tunnel and the A50 to the north, and with Boulevard Michelet and Avenue du Prado 2 in Marseilles. It contributes to improving access to and from the city’s southern neighbourhoods. The tunnel was built by a consortium comprising GTM Sud, Sogea Sud-Est TP, Queyras TP and Campenon Bernard Sud-Est GC (all VINCI Construction France subsidiaries), Santerne Marseille Mobilité (VINCI Energies France) and Eiffage Travaux Publics.