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Partnership contract with Cantal département

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16 September 2013 - New contracts - France

Eurovia signed a 20-year partnership contract with the Cantal département on 12 July 2013. Worth a total of some €34m, of which €23m to be invested in the initial works, this contract covers the financing, design-build (both new-build and refurbishment), maintenance, upkeep and renewal of more than 10 km of the secondary road RD120. Local teams from Eurovia and VINCI Construction Terrassement will be carrying out the construction works during the first 30 months. These will result in the creation of a new route for the 7.5 km between Peyrelevade and Montvert, with the 3 km between Prentegarde and Peyrelevade simply being refurbished. Eurovia will then provide the upkeep and maintenance until the end of the contract. Eurovia, through a dedicated subsidiary, will supervise the implementation of this project, which is aimed at improving user safety, notably by improving traffic flow.