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Opening of A-Modell A4 motorway

7 October 2010 - New contracts - Germany

The concession section of the A-Modell A4 motorway in Thuringia (Germany) was brought into service on 7 September, a year ahead of schedule. This is Germany’s first public-private partnership motorway concession; the concession will last for 30 years. It covers one of the biggest motorway corridors crossing Germany from west to east.

This contract is one of four pilot concession projects, known as “A-Modell” projects, launched by the German government in 2005. It was awarded in October 2007 to the Via Solutions Thüringen consortium, in which VINCI Concessions has a 50% interest. It involves operating a 45 km section of motorway between the Gotha interchange and the border between the Länder of Thuringia and Hesse, and includes widening a 24.5 km stretch from four to six lanes.

This project combines VINCI Concessions’ expertise in designing, financing and managing transport infrastructure with Eurovia’s expertise in road building.