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Open Innovation - VINCI Hackathon - Nice Côte d’Azur from 10 to 12 April 2015

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23 March 2015 - Events - France

VINCI is organising a hackathon at the Allianz Riviera stadium in Nice: a 48-hour challenge to reinvent the customer experience in VINCI concessions (motorways, stadiums and airports).

A hackathon (contraction of the terms "hacker" and "marathon") is a creative competition aimed at launching applications around a given theme on the basis of the data provided. From 10 to 12 April 2015, VINCI is organising its first hackathon, focusing on the customer experience in stadiums, airports and motorways. For two days, participants will compete to design digital application prototypes using the databases compiled by VINCI Autoroutes, VINCI Airports and VINCI Stadium.

A launch evening will be held on 2 April, with an ideas workshop to explain the stakes of the challenge and help shape the first ideas. Start-ups, developers, graphic designers, students and ideas sponsors can enrol for the competition on the website (http://vincihackathon.bemyapp.com/) dedicated to the hackathon. The stakes: €10,000 in prize money to be shared between the winners and - even more important - the opportunity to be identified, supported and coached by VINCI teams (?) with the idea of trialling the service devised at a later stage. Follow news flow for the hackathon on Twitter (hashtag VINCI_UX). NB: UX is the commonly used English abbreviation for "User experience".

Vote on Facebook!

The challenge finalists will be asked to provide a short video presenting their idea, which will be shared with VINCI customers across France. The Public Prize will be awarded to the project winning the most votes on the Facebook space dedicated to the event. Two Jury Prizes will also be awarded by a mixed jury of VINCI employees and outside partners.

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48 hours – the duration of the hackathon.

3 – the number of prizes awarded at the end of the hackathon.

10,000 euros – the prize money to be shared by the winners.

Media contacts

Stéphanie Malek
Tel: +33 1 57 98 66 28