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New stretch of the D3 opened to traffic

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12 October 2017 - Events - Czech Republic

The 5 km-long section of the D3 motorway located between Veselí nad Lužnicí and Bošilec (in the south of the country), built by Eurovia CS, was inaugurated on 12 October 2017.

Teams are currently carrying out the finishing works, which will last through into the spring of 2018. The project essentially involved extending the I/3 road, building/refurbishing eight bridges, re-routing utilities and installing road markings and road signs.

The D3 motorway, several sections of which are being or have been built by Eurovia, is a new road that will ultimately connect the city of Prague with the regions of Bohemia and the centre and south of the country. It will reduce travel times and open up the regions it passes through.

The D3 forms part of the international E55 E-road, linking Scandinavia with Greece, and of the Trans-European road network.