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New lease of life for Pharo's Palace

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18 March 2013 - Projects update and handover - France

On 28 January 2013, the Pharo’s Palace congress centre, in Marseilles (south of France), hosted its first event following its restoration by a consortium headed by Campenon Bernard Provence (VINCI Construction France). Erected in the 19th century, the building had been damaged by a storm in 2008. Undertaken on behalf of the city of Marseilles, the works, under way since summer 2011, included extending the restaurant area by 500 sq. metres and transforming the upper floors into 2,500 sq. metres of conference facilities (10 rooms for between 10 and 300 participants). Santerne Marseille (VINCI Energies France) also participated in the project. Project value: €8.3m.
In addition, VINCI is currently working on the illumination of this building, within the framework of a skills-based sponsorship operation.