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Network of cycle paths in Poland

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15 February 2017 - New contracts - Poland

Eurovia Poland has signed a contract with the regional road authorities in Cracow for the construction of a cycle path from Zakopane to Sromowce Niżne, in the Tatra Mountains in the south of Poland, close to the border with Slovakia.

The route, almost 67 km in length, will be created as part of the VeloDunajec project, i.e. the design-build of an integrated network of cycle paths.

22 km of new, asphalted cycle paths, 2.5 to 3 metres wide, will be created; 3 km of existing paths will be modernised or rebuilt; and appropriate signage will be installed along the remaining 42 km. Four overpasses for cyclists will also be built.

Completion of the works is scheduled for mid-December 2017.