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Mobilised to support disadvantaged students in Portugal

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2 November 2020 - All committed! - Portugal

The VINCI community scheme, a Fondation VINCI sponsorship programme in Portugal, which includes ANA (VINCI Airports/VINCI Concessions) and VINCI Energies Portugal, offered its support to the Gulbenkian Foundation as part of its efforts in response to the health crisis.

Having distributed over 80,000 scholarships to students since the 1960s, the Gulbenkian Foundation has handed out a record amount this year – half a million euros – to students with limited financial resources in order to enable them to enjoy a high quality university education. Each student will also receive support from a mentor and benefit from training in emotional intelligence and leadership.
Supporting this scholarship programme once again illustrates the way in which VINCI strives to help people in difficulty and promote equal opportunities.